You can get in touch with me or follow my artistic adventures on my social profiles.

About Learn more me and my art. Create. Discover A showcase gallery of my work for the everyone to see. Events Efficiently put together events where you can see my work close and personal. Get in Touch Contact me in person.

The dominant object of my search and my painting expression is the urban landscape in an attempt to decipher the aura and the breath of the city by painting its image.

Latest Events

We actively participate in art scene events and display artworks that are specially selected for each art show and the thematic surroundings of the event.


Old City – “Kokori” Cafe Bar
2010, XANTHI


Lyceum of Greek Women of Kavala
2019, KAVALA
Art wandering Municipal Tobacco Warehouse
2020, KAVALA

The city always remains for me a significant and great source of inspiration!

Introducing myselfEfi Koukma